1000 Downloads!!! The wrong way :P

All downloads are good downloads, but only some downloads count.

If you visit vfitoolkit.com you will be directed to github to download a copy of VFI Toolkit. Github does not count downloads, and so the number of times this has been done is unknown. But there is another way — the wrong way šŸ˜› — to download, and that is via Matlab’s website. The number of downloads there just ticked past 1000!!!

If you are one of those thousand, thanks for using VFI Toolkit! And if you are one of the uncounted github downloaders, thanks to you too even though you aren’t counted. I have no idea how many people downloaded via github but guessing that for every ‘wrong’ download there are between one and nine ‘right’ downloads, it would be something between 2000 and 10,000!

Anyway, just happy to see people find VFI Toolkit useful šŸ˜€ Thanks for using! As ever, if you have any questions, or feature requests, come visit the forum, discourse.vfitoolkit.com, or email me.

There is of course no wrong way to download. You can download however you like šŸ™‚

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